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Team info

Victoria Bogachenkova


We are looking for new team members with the following skills

Interested in helping to reduce food waste and finding innovative solutions to do so? If the answer is yes, join Team Servey. I'm looking for someone who can help me with the implementation and thinking the idea though. Interested? Get in touch with me!

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The Challenge 

Food waste is one of the major issues in modern society. Every year, it is estimated that around a 1/3 of all food produced is thrown away all over the world. A lot of people, students in particular, go to the shop and buy more groceries than they need because they do not know what exactly they still have in the fridge and what they can still make from the leftover products. This often leads to people spending extra money and throwing away old, unused products, which in turn leads to a large amount of food waste.

The Solution

Servey is a mobile app, mainly aimed at students, which allows users to track which grocery items they already have, what they can make from what them as well as provide a list of often bought items which are on sale in one or more chosen supermarkets. In the app, the user can look up recipes from famous cooks, save them as well as import his/her own ones and make shopping lists for them. The app will also send a push notification with discounts on certain foods, over time these push notifications get more personal as the system learns what the user likes.

The Mission

To provide people with an easy way to prevent food waste in their household and at the same time facilitating users to save money on groceries.


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