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Beans for Beads

Beans for Beads

Team info

Daniël Lam
Jorina Stienstra
Jacqueline Crans
William Lee
Jetske Kehrens


The Challenge 

Nowadays, there is an increased rate of microplastic pollution in waters, such as rivers and oceans. Microplastics are hard to remove from the environment due to their small size (< 5 cm) and their 'invisibility'. Many products contain microplastics, such as cosmetic products. People are unknowingly washing microplastics through the drains. It is better to prevent such situations than to remove the polluted material from the environment in the end. The impact starts with you.

The Solution

A proposed solution to the problem statement is to create products, which contain none of these plastics to prevent microplastics pollution. We are creating body scrubs out of coffee grounds to reduce microplastic pollution in our oceans. This tackles the pollution of microplastics, but we are also using a waste stream of used coffee grounds. This reduces the number of coffee grounds that are sent to landfills or incinerators and gives them a second life.

The Mission

We believe that we can limit plastic pollution in our oceans by starting in our own bathroom; replacing plastic-filled products with sustainable and effective alternatives will be a great first step. The implementation of the product will not radically change any existing regimes, which shows that this can easily be implemented in the market.


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