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Team Active

Team Active

Team info

Emilie Barrow
Irina Azimova
Teun Veelenturf
Linda Del Rosso


The Challenge 

In 2019, only half of the Dutch population met their physical activity guidelines. Lack of physical activity is a major issue for people's health. In line with the goals of the Cruyff Foundation, we saw an opportunity to improve the physical activity at the Woensel-West Cruyff Court. After observations and on sight interviews of people living in Woensel West, we saw a lack of different demographics using the Cruyff Court for physical activity. Why was this? How can we improve the amount of multiple demographics coming to the Cruyff Court to improve the health of the neighborhood and furthermore increase a sense of community? Therefore focusing on the municipality's vision of moving from accommodations to activities and from alone to togetherness?

The Solution

Through a data-enabled design approach, we are creating a modular product called PolyActive, which will be used to test how successful different product features are at attracting more demographics to the Cruyff Court. Integrated with sensors, Polyactive will be placed on the fence of the Cruyff Court to collect quantitative data on it's usage. In parallel, we will be collecting qualitative data on the types of demographics using Polyactive and their insights about the artifact. Both types of data combined will allow us to tackle our problem without disrupting user privacy. This is especially important when designing for public space. With the data we collect, we hope to inform the municipality of future interventions they may want to focus on when tackling their vision. Furthermore, the data will also be used by us to further improve PolyActive and sell it to Municipalities and/or sports coaches. Thus saving the municipalities millions of euros in investments.

The Mission

Team Active's purpose is to provide stakeholders such as the Eindhoven Municipality, sports associations and the team itself with data which we can use to tackle our vision for a safer, more active and more inclusive city. We are bringing a sense of community back into Eindhoven.


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