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Luminaire free LiFi system using Plastic Optical Fibre (POF)

Luminaire free LiFi system using Plastic Optical Fibre (POF)

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The Challenge 

New services such as high-definition video, and storage, will require soon data rates beyond 1 Gb/s. Light Fidelity (LiFi) is a strong candidate to ease the pressure on the radio spectrum. Normally LiFi uses LEDs as light source, requiring an electro/optical conversion and electrical powering for the luminaires, increasing the overall price. Conventional illumination LEDs have narrow bandwidth and high non-linearity which severely limit their application. Smaller area LEDs (μ-LEDs) can provide larger bandwidth, at the expense of additional measures to mitigate the efficiency drop, increasing the price of μ-LEDs.

The Solution

We propose not to use separate light sources at the luminaires for data transmission. Instead, use 1mm core POFs acting as the luminaire which are fed by remote light sources, centrally located in the building. The standard POFs are chosen due to their low cost, small bending radius and DIY technology. This POF works in the visible wavelength, enabling visual link testing and easing the installation. The main advantage on using this system is that no electrical powering and maintenance at the luminaires would be needed, also the large core of the POF provides large coverage, supporting user mobility.

The Mission

Luminaire Free LiFi POF: high security for your data, lower cost for your system and DIY system. Suitable for any indoor environment that requires high data rates, large coverage area and EMI free.


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