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Team info

Johannes Fieber
Johannes Borburgh
Arthur Lopez


We are looking for new team members with the following skills

We are currently looking for enthusiastic members that have experience in fields such as, polymers, fluid dynamics, heat, electronic control, and marketing. But all help is welcome so don’t hesitate to send us a message.

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The Challenge 

3D printing technology is now able to produce any shape that the user inputs, this however takes a long time to do. This long waiting time does not make it currently a good option for mass manufacturing and is only really useful for quick prototyping. However current mass manufacturing techniques require an effort and investment to make minor changes.

The Solution

The solution that we have envisioned is to have a solution that is able to print a whole layer at a time. This means that the machine only has to move in one dimension compared to 3 dimensions for other 3D printing technologies, this would make the process exponentially faster than current methods. We are currently developing this technology.

The Mission

Our mission is to bring 3D printing to mass manufacturing, this will lead to a much more flexible way of manufacturing which will make it much easier and faster to go from concept to product. We think that this will be something that can drive a lot more innovation and specialized products.


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